Life Forest Whistle Ridge in Auburn, Maine, is Life Forest’s premier Woodland Burial location. Whistle Ridge Farm hosts 80 acres, utilizing multiple land protection and land use purposes, and has committed to dedicate a protected parcel for the purpose of Life Forest Woodland Trail Burials.
Woodland Trail Burial is a 3 x 3 plot in a natural wooded area. This plot allows for one opening and allows for as many sets of cremains or composted remains to be buried at one time for no extra fees.
Auburn, Maine, is located 45 minutes north of Portland and is one of the largest cities in Maine. It is a city marked by the beautiful and powerful Androscoggin River, which runs through Auburn. Auburn is also known for its gorgeous mineral content of apatite, tourmaline, and quartz. Rock lovers often search Mt. Apatite Park’s 4 miles of trails, water-filled quarries, and mines.
Whistle Ridge Farm has proven their dedication to protecting land and wildlife through its efforts in creating habitat blueprints and working to preserve and protect Maine’s wildlife and natural resources. Most notably, Whistle Ridge Farm hosts Compassionate Composting, an environmentally friendly, gentle return to the earth for large animals through an educated approach to composting.
More About Compassionate Composting
Compassionate Composting is an eco-friendly above-ground burial service for beloved horses, livestock, and pets. They do great work in the death care of larger animals, such as horses and livestock, and offer similar services to smaller companion animals. By request, we can place your companion animal in a private burial pile and return his or her remains to you (like getting the ashes back after a private cremation) as a finished soil amendment. You can use this compost product for landscaping, flower beds, or in your pet's favorite field.
At Compassionate Composting, the process begins by rolling the animal onto a similar stretcher, she explained. It takes three people to move the body of a 1,000-pound horse – Melaragno’s retired mom often pitches in. The animal is laid on a bed of shavings and sawdust containing manure and other organic material – the same stuff shoveled out of stalls. “That material is what your horse is used to,” Melaragno said. “It’s their home environment.” The animal’s body is then covered in the same material. After four to five months, she turns the pile and adds more shavings. By this point, the animal’s soft tissue has disintegrated. She turns the pile regularly every couple of weeks after that.
There seems to be a growing receptivity to the concept of composting animal companions with this above-ground burial method. Animal owners seem very relieved to know their companion is being handled with respect and that they are utilizing an environmentally responsible option.
—Michelle Melaragno, Owner and Founder of Compassionate Composting in Auburn, Maine.
To learn more about Life Forest woodland burial options, please contact us.