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Why We Do This
Born out of the love for my mother, I created Life Forest - where memories and nature live on.
How did we once observe and respect our loved ones directly after they passed versus how do we do it now? Death and burial are closely tied to tradition. Funeral traditions have been developed over millennia to provide family, loved ones, and friends an opportunity to express their love and respect, to say goodbye, and to begin to adjust to the new reality of living with the loss of their loved one. Burial of a loved one's remains, memorializing the location of the remains, and visiting a loved one after the burial are familiar rituals that can bring comfort during a time of loss. One of the missions of Life Forest® is to create a more positive experience than is often had by visiting a traditional cemetery.
We have come to understand that tradition is not about the headstone versus the tree - tradition lies in the hearts of the people buried below them and those mourning the loss of a loved one. Tradition provides us the framework for a ritual of remembrance that honors the stories, the memories, and the many ways in which love made a family.
Life Forest® Mission Statement
At Life Forest®, we believe a positive surrounding is the foundation of healing and sustaining emotional connection to those who have passed. We have created a space that promotes health, healing, and happiness. We do this by harnessing the energy of plants and reconnecting to our forests.
Today, as a pioneer in the burial process, we are committed to protecting the environment and maintaining the tradition of burial and perpetual care.
Our first responsibilities are to families, environmental protection, and record keeping. In meeting these needs, everything we do is approached with balancing the cause and effect of burial and environmental sustainability.
We pledge to consistently ask ourselves the following questions in order to sustain a burial environment that is able to properly adapt and adjust to the ever-changing world:
- How do we create an environment for the families we serve that evokes an emotional response of healing and tranquility?
- How can we respect nature while simultaneously honoring burial tradition and ancestry?
- How do we utilize the latest technology for record keeping, location identification and spreading our mission?
At Life Forest we never charge to bury a child
Not income dependent, just the moral thing to do. Life Forest provides a beautiful, legally documented, single burial plot to anyone who has lost a child up to young adulthood. Our partnership with Children's Burial Assistance allows for a gentle caring process, contact us and we can help you. No questions asked, just simple compassion in the most devastating of times.