Celebration of Life
November 28, 1964 - September 14, 2021

Inge C. Bradley, 56, of Concord NH died unexpectedly at her home on September 14, 2021. Inge was born in Dover Delaware on November 28, 1964 the daughter of Herbert V. Bradley Jr and Renate I. (Butzbach) Bradley. Inge’s dad was in the Air Force, and as an Air Force family they traveled to various parts of the world and USA. Inge spent her early years in Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico. Inge and family moved to Massachusetts, when dad retired from the Air Force. Inge spent her High School years and after in Massachusetts, before moving to New Hampshire. Inge enjoyed amateur photography. Her large collection of photo albums range from family events, all the family pets, travel, friends, animals, and scenic visitas. She also had the opportunity to take pictures of many bands. Her friend worked in music production and had access to backstage passes, where Inge and her friend would meet many famous bands. Foreigner, Moody Blues, Queen, The Cars, Nazareth, all the sounds from the eighties. She has albums of pictures and autographs with her friend and the bands. She obtained her Bachelor degree in Business and Political Science at the University of New Hampshire. Inge was known for her sense of humor and love of all animals. She was an avid supporter of animal and environmental issues. We will miss her sense of humor and her famous ‘gag’ gift during the Holidays, which was always funny and useful. The famous “bear claw’ house shoes are loved to this day. We will miss her cooking and recipe sharing. Cooking together is something that our family has shared since we lived in New Mexico as children. We will miss you. Inge is survived by her mother Renate Bradley, and her brother Patrick Bradley and partner Melissa Soutiere.