Celebration of Life
November 30, 1952 - September 21, 2021

Ramonita, age 68, was the most amazing mother, grandmother, sister, and a friend. She was a sweet, humble woman full of life. She was always upbeat, positive, and with a beautiful smile on her face. She loved anything yellow as it was bright just like her spirit. Her laughter was contagious. She enjoyed playing Bingo, listening to music, dancing, cleaning, cooking, and making “pasteles.” She was a woman of faith who even until the end showed great strength and comfort as she waited to meet her Father the Almighty on September 21, 2021.
Ramonita Rodriguez Rodriguez was born on November 30, 1952 in Yauco, Puerto Rico. In 1989 she moved to Lawrence, Massachusetts. Ramonita is survived by her daughter, Yajaira Regalado, her son Carlos A. Ramos and his wife Ada Ramos, and son Christian J. Ramos; two granchildren Yarilynne and Tommy Regalado; three step-grandchildren Roderick Pena, Jesenia Tejada, Lymari Tejada; and 5 surviving siblings: Ada Torres, Yauco, PR; Maria Ivette Rodriguez, of Alabama; Ana M. Rodriguez, of Florida; and Alexis Rodriguez, Madelline Rodriguez, and Excer Rodriguez, of New Jersey; and several nephews and nieces. She was predeceased by her parents, Monserrate and Isabel Rodriguez.