Celebration of Life
December 13, 1958 - February 3, 2023

Thomas W. Sawyer was born in Glenwood Springs, CO on December 13, 1958, and died at the age of 64 in his home in Arvada, CO on February 3, 2023. He was a hard rock miner at the Henderson Mine for almost 40 years before retiring.
Thomas was well-known and well-liked in his stomping grounds – the dog park, McCoy’s Diner, and the Men’s AA group he attended. He always had something nice to say about anyone and buying people meals was one of his favorite things to do. He had an artistic side – first with leatherworking, and later with stones and walking sticks. If you ever visited Thomas’ apartment, the first thing you would see would be a homemade drum set, complete with a bear’s head. He was also a bear – mostly a teddy bear,
Thomas is survived by his previous wife, Janet and three children - Jason, Colton and Sarah. Celebrating his life with food and family is something that would make him happy. And when Thomas was happy, you couldn't help but smile too.
43.122216 , -71.93933